Following a meeting earlier this week between Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) management and the Hon. Inia Seruiratu, designated Fiji COP23 High Champion, the PIDF is now coordinating with its technical partners and network to assist the honourable Minister in the implementation of his role as part of the COP23 Fiji Presidency.
PIDF Secretary General, François Martel confirmed that they will provide best possible assistance to the High Champion for his participation to an informal meeting next week from 9-10 March 2017 hosted by the Government of Japan, the 15th Informal Meeting on Further Actions against Climate Change.
The key main sessions for the meeting in Japan include reflection on COP22 and expectation for COP23, preparing the 2008 Facilitative Dialogue and Formulating Long-term Greenhouse Gas Emission development strategies. It also includes advancing the Work Programme under the Paris Agreement and maximizing the use of Institutions related to Climate Finance.
The High Champion recognized the importance of the Suva Declaration on climate change and the role of PIDF in its formulation and its advocacy during COP21, and that in part is reflected in the Paris Agreement.
“I am always glad to involve PIDF and acknowledge their leadership in climate change with the proclamation of the Suva Declaration and their continued contributions in the Pacific,” said the visiting High Champion, Hon. Inia Seruiratu.
Secretary General Martel said that he was pleased with the deliberations of the meeting with the COP23 High Champion where he provided a full briefing on the PIDF Secretariat work and partnerships in climate change, including insights on a proposed Adaptation Benefit Mechanism (ABM).
“PIDF is supporting the African Development Bank Group in the development of a results-based finance business model to encourage private sector investment in adaptation, as this remains a top priority investment area for the Pacific Islands” said Secretary Martel.
“The current environmental-financial mechanisms mainly channel private capital into mitigation related projects, but there remains a huge gap for climate adaptation.”
“I would also like to thank our technical partners for their valuable contributions and for their genuine partnership towards the preparation of this briefing note for the High Champion,” further commented Secretary General Martel